Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Weird Nature!!

The plant world is one of the most diverse branch of biology. It is amazing some of the colours, scents, mechanisms and adaptation that they come up with. For example, some flowers such as the orchid, the  Ophrys speculum, have this mechanism in where it mimics the female bee in shape and feel of body and in scent of pheromones, to attract the male bee. The male bee receives this come hither signal and lands on the orchid, gets a STIMULATING high, and goes away with a load of pollen stuck to its body ready to transfer to another flower with out knowing he was having RELATIONS with a plant!! Can you imagine?!! Now gents aren't you glad you are not that bee? Enjoy nature y'all, it can be very entertaining and insightful.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Space: The Final Frontier

This just in from a CNN report. NASA just announced that they have found seven new planets, three in the habitable zone an four not in that zone. Now to me this is amazing!!! However, if you are like me and the only space jargon you know are from star wars and star trek ( you know who you are!!) and are clueless to space jargon here are some facts;
DID you know,

  1. the habitable zone is the area near a star in which a planet can theoretically hold liquid water.
  2. The star's planets are designated by letters after the star's name.
  3. A light-year, the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year, is nearly 6 trillion miles.
  4. The smaller a planet is, the more likely it's rocky and the less likely it's made of gas, 
  5. If scientists' notions of a "habitable zone" were applied to our own solar system, both Earth and Mars would fit the bill. But Mars doesn't have enough gravity to hold onto an atmosphere that could heat it.
This is all cool stuff! I wish that i can live for the next 5oo years to see how human technology evolves. Can you imagine us being able to travel in light years, or design equipment to see how habitable a planet is!! It blows my mind every time. There is a planet 20 light years away from earth that is though to be habitable!! i can totally see myself traveling in space from twenty years just to go and have a see,lol. if you are interested in the article click the link below and enjoy the journey your imagination takes you.